
Elephant Cove, Denmark, Western Australia.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sleeping In The Van.

The bed in the van is comfortable.  If anything, maybe a firmer piece of foam but that will be easy enough to change down the track if needed.

It was scarey out there by myself... The noises were frequent and unexplainable...
I didn't go out until nearly 11pm and it was scarey just getting to the van.  I had a small torch but it was pretty dark and the dog had been barking not long beforehand...But I climbed in, locked all the doors and climbed into bed.  Then my heart started going faster and I started thinking stupid things and it took a long while to calm down again.  But I wasn't going to get out again because, well, it was scarey...
I woke up twice with a pounding heart and not knowing what had woken me.  It was probably just the chooks making noises but I'm sure that something was near the van.  After I convinced myself that it was a bandicoot or a fox then I was ok and able to relax back into sleep.

So I was thinking...what would I do anyway if something was outside.  Or someone...
Well no animal here is going to hurt me too much, it's not like we have bears or tigers so no need to worry about that and a person would have to be pretty game to go poking around someones car not knowing who was inside, right?  But IF someone tried to break in, and why would they, what could I do.

Not a lot.  I could scream bloody blue murder, maybe get to the horn and lean on it to get someones attention.  But if you are away from people or your *rescuer* really isn't...Any weapon I had would be used against me...Chances of the mobile working would be slim...

I was thinking that if I kept a can of flyspray handy I might be able to use that but then what...it's not like I could run anywhere...A touchup can of spraypaint would mean that the *attacker* was noticeable afterwards so even if I was unable to get away they would be easily noticeable.  Does that sounds like a good plan? 
Most  people I know and have talked to about this assume nothing bad is going to happen, why would it.  Some others think that yes, bad things will happen and I shouldn't even be thinking of going anywhere by myself...
I think that it might, could...probably wont but what if it did.  And until I have a plan in place for that I can't relax.  So a plan will be in place before I go off anywhere...

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