On Thursday as Hubby was lifting the bikes in he said that he would call into Pinjarra and get one. So we called into Auto1 to see what they had. They had a few sorts and we ended up buying one that goes onto the towball and will hold 3 bikes as there will probably be times when there is an extra person and bike with us. It cost over $100 but I'm not counting it as expenses for this trip as it was needed and will be used often.
Getting it outside and preparing to put in on the car he remembers that his towball is stuck and doesn't come off. But we are next door to a workshop so we get them to cut off the towball and we then put on the new one that he had to go in and buy. Looking at the rack though and reading a sticker on it I see that my bike, girls one so no crossbar, won't fit. It needs an extension bar. Back into Auto1 I go and ask about that but they said they had never come across that before and had no idea. They ring the bikerack people who don't sell them, I need a bike shop.
So we have a bikerack on but the bikes are still in on top of everything.
Coming into Perth we call into a shopping centre, we need a book of maps as well, no shop has that, but we find a bike shop that has the part we need. Another $44 and we are on our way again.
The bikes were finally able to be put on and the rack works fine. It is suggested that the bikes are tied as well which I think is kinda dumb, I think a bikerack should safely hold bikes without them needing to be tied on as well.
Anyway, it's still another job that Hubby needs to do, I cannot lift either of the bikes on or off. It is easier for him though than getting them in and out off the car.
Not sure if I will be able to use it with a van but as that will be lower I may be able to. I hope so, I do like my bike.
My wife and I own a Cub Spacematic on road camper trailer. Closed it's ten feet long and open it's 20 feet long, much longer then the average Ct, plus it comes with an awning 8 feet wide, so when you add that the CT tent is 16 feet wide by 20 feet long for two people and two small dogs. Humoungous you reckon ?
ReplyDeleteLast week we just returned from a two week trip down south, using NORTHCLIFFE as a base, staying at the 'Eco Park', caravan park there, (more on this later) then exploring the countryside with a day's drive all around that little town, as well as the Bibbulmun track on both sides of the town and the many walk trails surrounding Northcliffe.
According to the record books, Northcliffe is supposed to have the highest rainfall in the state, so we expected to see quiet a bit of water in the creeks and rivers down there, this was not to be, apparently they are undergoing the most severe drought there in it's history, BUT it still does have the biggest and most magnificent Karri and Jarrah trees your ever likely to see.
I take on board your points on catering for such trips, and to the novice, it can prove to be daunting, however a little ingenuity goes a long way. For example, break fasts, It's too bad your hubby has the habit of missing meals,(IMHO, there'll be a price to pay for that, down the track) anyways, IMHO breakfast is the most important meal of the day, sets you up for the rest of the day. For 29 years of my life, I was a shift worker and found the best thing for my health, was to eat meals at REGULAR times every day, thus breakfast was usually taken at day break, consisting of in winter, oaten porridge, the old style brought to the boil and then cooled a little. For one person I've found 1/2 cup sufficient. Just for a change, you can add a couple of table spoons of sultanas.
Work out how long your going to be away, then make up in little zip lock bags, one bag for each morning, enough oats and maybe sultanas for each day, then pack away.
Tea bags ( yeah, I'm a sucker for a cup of tea) and coffee (for Ann, my wife) sugar usually in their own containers airtight and unbreakable.
For milk, we use the long life stuff that for storage doesn't need to be refrigerated, many choices available. We've found for two of us,(Ann drinks lactose free milk) we need one litre per two days.
Lunches we use for the first few days, cold meats and salads. Then fish in small tins at a dollar each, or a tin of bean mix with tuna is very filling.
For dinner, we use BBQ for the first few days, as long as the fresh meat and salad lasts, then we use tinned stuff.
For example, you can chuck together an excellent pasta with tinned pasta sauce boil up your pasta, drain serve on plates and pour ove pasta sauce, sprinkle with grated parmesian and away you go.
Desert can be rice cream and tinned fruit from a tin.
Easy as.
Thats just a tiny few of the ideas we use and there's heaps more, there's a heap of web sites too, and magazines too that you can susbscribe too, that will guide you down the correct road.
I subscribe to CAMPERTRAILER TOURING and CAMPING WITH YOUR 4WD both good chcok full magazines to help you sort the chaff from the rubbish.
Regards the purchase of camper trailer for your selves, my advice is, STICK TO W.A. made trailers, Eastern states manufacturers have very poor aftersales service via their agnets here in W.A.
Two W.A. manufacturers that come to mind are the PIONEER trailers built in WANGARA Wanneroo, and the CAMPRITE trailers also built in Wangara.
BOTH, bullet proof trailers and will last you a lifetime, with good after sales service.
So there you go, hope I've somewhat helpful, if you wish you pick my brain for further hints, you can email me at eschmid@westnet.com.au