I have been seeing, on and off over the last couple months, pictures of a place that is not too far from where we live and have thought that I could go there without getting lost or being too scared. So I looked up this place on the internet and looked at videos people had put up on YouTube, it was totally doable.
We have been having lots of rain lately, dams in the area are filling up, paddocks are under water and rivers are full. Recently I heard that there was a lot of water at this particular place and the waterfall was impressive so I decided that I would go have a look. By myself if I had too but I was going. Last week I asked husband if he was interested but he wasn't, no matter, I was going anyway, going today. Yesterday I asked him again and he said he would come too.
Ironstone Gully Falls is on Goodwood Road, halfway between Donnybrook and Capel and I had looked at maps, looked at Google Earth so I was pretty sure I knew how to get to where we were going but when I said to husband it was on the left of the road he looked at me and told me I was wrong, the track in was on the right. Hmmm, we'll see. This morning we set off from here just before 9, we stopped off in Donnybrook to buy fresh rolls to have with lunch then husband headed South and turned right. Umm, I had looked at maps, looked at Google Earth, this wasn't the way. He kept going, turned left, umm still not the road I would have taken. Of course he was right, he always is and he knows these roads. And the track in was on the right. HoHum, not sure why I bother really but do know why I worry about going anywhere. I haven't yet looked at my directions and worked out where I would have ended up.

There were a lot of cars in the car park when we arrived but we drove through and parked up near a table and seats where we made coffee before walking to see the falls.

This is looking at the falls from Donnybrook side of the river. We had to climb down through bushes and shrubs to get to the base of the falls, we basically followed some other people and hoped they knew where they were going.

We climbed up and over some rocks back to the top then walked up to the road and across the bridge to get to the other side of the river.

These photos are taken from Capel side of the river, again we had to walk through long grass and around bush and shrubs to get down to the rivers edge.
Worth it though.
It was even worth tripping over a