Because I want to do a bit of free or independent camping and I believe that we should "leave no trace" I need to find a toilet solution. I know lots of people take a shovel and dig a hole but I don't really think that is the best way too go. (haha) I find it totally disgusting how some people just go anywhere and leave their toilet mess all over the place. Using a hole would be better than that but these people have no manners.
I have been looking online to get some ideas and it seems that there are 3 main types of camping toilets.
1.Bucket. Just a bucket with a seat attached and a lid. Simple and cheap. There are different products that can be bought to put in them or they can be lined with plastic bags then the contents/bags are binned. Not sure how I feel about everyone binning their business but left unlined the contents would be messy and smelly.
2. Collapsible. These fold up so don't take up a lot of space. They are made to be used with plastic bags or over a hole. Not my cup of tea. But as I drink coffee...something to think about still. But you still need to bin or dig a hole...
3. Chemical.. These are chemical toilets that flush. You need to add the chemicals to the bottom tank then use as you would at home. We actually have one of these but it is bulky and would be hard to hide if you were worried about other people knowing that you had to use a toilet. It does work but needs emptying and cleaning after camping is finished. Depending on what chemicals you use some cannot be emptied into a septic system. We have a septic system here at home. Chemicals can be expensive. There are recipes to make your own but you need to make sure they are safe for your way of disposing of them.
I have for some time be interested in Joe Jenkins and his sawdust toilet. You need to look up Humanure or sawdust toilets but basically it's a bucket with a seat attached that you use with sawdust. You could probably go without the seat and put the lid back on when finished. Other stuff besides the sawdust can be used, I read that some people use grass clippings, others use woodchips. The contents are composted.
Would these work as a camping toilet? What would be the bad things about using one of these? This could be emptied into a compost pile when we get home and left for a couple of years. Probably not for long term as it would need to be emptied and it shouldn't be emptied out bush or down a dump point. May be OK for 1 or 2 nights. If each person had their own bucket that might save on some squeamishness.
Some people will still think that digging a hole will be the best for them. With this they will need to have a shovel and be able to dig. Sometimes the ground will be hard or it could be real sandy and hard to dig a decent depth. I don't think that the 6inches depth that I have read about is deep enough but read that not being too deep, and in a sunny spot, the sun helps it decompose quicker. Some sites advice against burying paper as there is the chance that it won't rot away and will end up messing up the Earth.
Lots of campers, hikers, etc think that everything should be taken out with you. I *kinda* agree with this but...
The bucket method is looking like a better choice to me.
There is also the issue of toilet paper.
Is the sort you use suitable for chemical toilets if that is the option you choose.
Should you bury your waste but burn the paper? Some places don't allow fires so not always an option.
One option for women is to use *wee wipes* These are cloth squares that females can use after urination and would greatly cut down on paper usage. They are washed and reused. A great idea for at home and could be used while camping.
I am still unsure as to which way to go but will need to make up my mind before we are out bush with no toilets anywhere near. I will do some more reading and will ask more people.
Whatever way you choose to go you might want a bit of privacy so a toilet tent or screen would be needed. More stuff to carry with you. But that could also be used with your shower if you take one.
I have seen some that fold out with a quick flick but have heard that they are not always easy to fold up again.
There are types that need poles and ropes to keep them up. Some look quite bulky.
Hand washing.
We all know that we need to wash our hands after going to the toilet and just because we are out bush doesn't mean we can forgo this. So when water is scarce what can we do. There is always the antiseptic handwash. We could have a bottle of that in the *bathroom* Or a separate bottle of water with a tap and some soap. Hand wipes could be used then binned or burned.
No posting about toilets would be complete without mentioning FUDs. Female Urination Devices. These things will amuse some of you, interest some of you or disgust some of you. Doesn't matter. It needs to be said.
There are devices out there that allows a female to pee like a man. How cool is that!
*Shewee*, *Go-Girl*, WhizBiz are three that I have read about but there may be more out there. Go have a look and if you already have one of these please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.
If females are worried about being bit on the bum then these thinge may be what you need.
I have to laugh though. This is something that everyone needs to use but the reactions that you get from some people really are funny. Even I find it a bit iffy to discuss and some people think I'm a tad feral. But anyone who wants to go camping away from civilization needs to use something other than toilets.
What do you use? Are you happy with the way that you have chosen? Please leave a comment and let me know.
Read about my thoughts, my trials and tribulations and my concerns on my quest to become a sometimes Solo Camper. And read about some of my *Adventures*
Elephant Cove, Denmark, Western Australia.
Monday, June 21, 2010
GreenHead, 12-15 June, 2010.
A couple of months ago we drove up to Jurien Bay to buy some fishfood and while there we ventured further north to a place called Green Head. I loved it. It was a quiet, close to the water, very lovely area.
We promised ourselves that we would come back and stay and we did that last weekend.
Green Head is less than 300km north of Perth and an easy drive. I think that even I could do it if I needed to though Hubby did turn a couple of corners that I wouldn't have. If I was driving though I hope I'd be concentrating more and have a better idea of which way I needed to go.
There is no free or inderpendant camping allowed in this area so we stayed at the Green Head Caravan Park. We were going to be tenting so booked a powered site for 3 nights. The daughter that came with us had an on-site caravan.
I was very impressed with this park. I had read on some camping review thing that the toilet block wasn't the cleanest or the best and so I was a bit concerned but I must say that I was pretty impressed with it.
It was very clean, there were plenty of showers and toilets,
heaps of hot water.
A nice little play area for kids adjacent to the cooking area.
Nice barbecues that cost $1 and were clean with plenty of seating. A fridge was close by in the laundry.
The grounds were clean and tidy, no rubbish laying around anywhere.
A small shop was in the office and the prices were very reasonable. We bought squid jigs there cheaper than in the *big shops* in Mandurah.
I thought that it was a tad expensive at $25 a night for a powered site but our site was huge and we had 2 couples on it. 2 cars and 2 tents and could have fitted more. There was an extra fee for people over the 2 allowed but only $

Unpowered sites were $20. but smaller and didn't seem as nice. I think maybe because they were on dirt not grassed like ours. I really don't know if the fees were high though as this is the first time we have camped this year. They may be on par with other parks. Definately cheaper than a hotel though. The on-site van that the daughter stayed in had a solid annex and was lovely and clean with plenty of room for the 3 that stayed in it.
It was just across the road from us and as the park was really quiet the grandaughter was able to come and go quite safely and it was a great time to teach her a bit about road safety and to stop and check for cars before crossing.
The main idea of this trip was to catch some squid without travelling all the way up to Shark Bay. There is a bit of weed in different areas but the guys mainly went squidding off the jetty. Caught a few but not as many as they wanted to. Fish were also caught from the jetty. Son and his girlfriend also caught different sorts of fish off of Pt. Louice. There are so many different bays and beaches in this area that I think that you could catch a feed whenever or whereever you went.
I am not a fisherperson so I sometimes stayed back at camp and looked after the grandaughter so T could go and have a go. Because I wasn't out near the water as much as the othes I missed seeing Sealions. How sad is that! Next time I will go and sit near the water until I do see one. The first night there though we were all down on the jetty and we saw a massive Stingray. It was huge. There were a few smaller, different types of ray swimming around as well but the stingray...Huge. It would have covered the top of my car.

What I like about this place is the different outlooks from the coastline. There are cliffs, sandy beaches, rocky outcrops. Absolutely snunning views from everywhere.
One thing that disapointed us was the fact the there are no campfires allowed in the area. There were no fire rings or anything at the caravan park so we didn't get to try out our campfire cooking. We used an eleftric frypan on the sat night and then the barbecues the following 2 nights. Breakfast was bacon and eggs or leftovers done in the frypan. Water for coffee was heated on a gas bottle with a ring on top. We did take a couple of small stove thingies but they were not used.
Hubby and I took our pushbikes and they were used by everyone to get to different places so I think they will go with us on our trips.
We had a great time and plan on going back to this place a few more times this year. Who wants to come with us?
We promised ourselves that we would come back and stay and we did that last weekend.
Green Head is less than 300km north of Perth and an easy drive. I think that even I could do it if I needed to though Hubby did turn a couple of corners that I wouldn't have. If I was driving though I hope I'd be concentrating more and have a better idea of which way I needed to go.
There is no free or inderpendant camping allowed in this area so we stayed at the Green Head Caravan Park. We were going to be tenting so booked a powered site for 3 nights. The daughter that came with us had an on-site caravan.
I was very impressed with this park. I had read on some camping review thing that the toilet block wasn't the cleanest or the best and so I was a bit concerned but I must say that I was pretty impressed with it.
heaps of hot water.
A nice little play area for kids adjacent to the cooking area.
Nice barbecues that cost $1 and were clean with plenty of seating. A fridge was close by in the laundry.
The grounds were clean and tidy, no rubbish laying around anywhere.
A small shop was in the office and the prices were very reasonable. We bought squid jigs there cheaper than in the *big shops* in Mandurah.
I thought that it was a tad expensive at $25 a night for a powered site but our site was huge and we had 2 couples on it. 2 cars and 2 tents and could have fitted more. There was an extra fee for people over the 2 allowed but only $
Unpowered sites were $20. but smaller and didn't seem as nice. I think maybe because they were on dirt not grassed like ours. I really don't know if the fees were high though as this is the first time we have camped this year. They may be on par with other parks. Definately cheaper than a hotel though. The on-site van that the daughter stayed in had a solid annex and was lovely and clean with plenty of room for the 3 that stayed in it.
It was just across the road from us and as the park was really quiet the grandaughter was able to come and go quite safely and it was a great time to teach her a bit about road safety and to stop and check for cars before crossing.
The main idea of this trip was to catch some squid without travelling all the way up to Shark Bay. There is a bit of weed in different areas but the guys mainly went squidding off the jetty. Caught a few but not as many as they wanted to. Fish were also caught from the jetty. Son and his girlfriend also caught different sorts of fish off of Pt. Louice. There are so many different bays and beaches in this area that I think that you could catch a feed whenever or whereever you went.
I am not a fisherperson so I sometimes stayed back at camp and looked after the grandaughter so T could go and have a go. Because I wasn't out near the water as much as the othes I missed seeing Sealions. How sad is that! Next time I will go and sit near the water until I do see one. The first night there though we were all down on the jetty and we saw a massive Stingray. It was huge. There were a few smaller, different types of ray swimming around as well but the stingray...Huge. It would have covered the top of my car.
What I like about this place is the different outlooks from the coastline. There are cliffs, sandy beaches, rocky outcrops. Absolutely snunning views from everywhere.
One thing that disapointed us was the fact the there are no campfires allowed in the area. There were no fire rings or anything at the caravan park so we didn't get to try out our campfire cooking. We used an eleftric frypan on the sat night and then the barbecues the following 2 nights. Breakfast was bacon and eggs or leftovers done in the frypan. Water for coffee was heated on a gas bottle with a ring on top. We did take a couple of small stove thingies but they were not used.
Hubby and I took our pushbikes and they were used by everyone to get to different places so I think they will go with us on our trips.
We had a great time and plan on going back to this place a few more times this year. Who wants to come with us?
Who and Why.
I live in the Peel Region of Western Australia and I have been wanting to wander this wonderful state of ours, camping and exploring, for the last 3 years. I think I have finally convinced my husband to take me.
It had taken so long for us to go anywhere that I had started to think about buying myself a van and trying it by myself. I think he took pity on me though as he knows that I am a bit of a sookylala and he has said we will go together.
This BLOG will be about the places we go, my thoughts on camping, our preparations and how there might be better ways of us doing something… Different things.
Sometimes we will go together, just him and me but other times we will mention a destination to family members and let them know that they are welcome to join us. I think though that one day I want to go solo. Until then I want all the practice I can get.
There may even be mention of my new found hobby of Geocaching. I say *hobby* but we have been twice, found one, he thinks it’s dumb, I get excited when I talk about it.
Postings may be few and far between but I am hoping to go somewhere at least every couple of months.
And who knows, I may still get that van. If you see me, wave hello.
Let’s start wandering.
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